I have often been asked at presentations I have given for health professionals, what is the single step they can take which will reduce their chances of facing a claim of medical negligence.  

My answer has been the same for 10 + years.  

It is surprising how many clients I see, who apart

 One rumour I have heard suggests that the High Court will be asked in Amaca and Ellis to review the degree of causation needed for negligent action to be taken to have caused loss.  These critical cases are due to be heard by the Court, later this year, probably in October.

At present (and for

I was interested to read recent news reports concerning a case decided in Canada. An Indian/Canadian man, Mr Kahlong was awarded CAD $5 million in a claim against a Hospital in Vancouver.

According to news reports, Mr Kahlong who was 41 years of age suffered from low back pain for which he was referred for