I read with interest the recent article in The Guardian provided an update as to the ever escalating rate of cesarean section births in Australia. The article makes all of the well-known [predictable?] arguments in favor of natural delivery.
It is true, the divergence between cesarean section rates in Australia and the World Health Organization’s

 Further to my earlier post, time is now extremely short for birth injury claims, for children born before Nov 2005.

As I have previously posted, the Limitation Act 2005, retrospectively (and without any publicity) shortened the time for claims relating to alleged negligent obstetric (or midwifrey) care, prior to its introduction in November 2005.


As most lawyers practising in med neg in Perth will know, a specific provision was inserted in the 2005 Limitation Act, setting new time limits for child-birth injury claims in Western Australia.

Apart form setting a new scheme for children born after 2005, the then labour government did medical insurers a very great favour

It was interesting to read the Sunday Times newspaper’s, front page article a week ago in relation to the unnamed obstetrician/ gynaecologist recently struck off from practise in Western Australia. 

I was particularly interested to read the newspapers’ editorial column concerning their strong view that the ongoing suppression order, prohibiting publication of the particular Doctors details